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No Standards

Below is a link to a table of the contaminants with No Drinking Water Standards. For some water quality parameters, there may be no formal Primary or Secondary drinking water standards, but there may be a health advisory standard, a provisional health advisory standard, an EPA DWEL, EPA Lifetime Limit, or a standard or limit set by a state in the United States, or by another country. In some cases, there are no "Health Advisory" limits or concerns at all. 

Also included in the table are the KnowYourH2O (KYH2O) Standards. As part of our  Drinking Water Quality Index Calculator, we have developed custom water quality benchmarks to act as quasi standards in order to be able to compare water quality throughout the USA and the world.

KYH2O USA - This is our recommended quasi drinking water standard based on a review of regulations from the U.S EPA, other U.S States, and the Bottled Water Industry. 

KYH20 World - This is our recommended quasi drinking water standard based on a review of regulations from the U.S EPA, other U.S States, the Bottled Water Industry, the World Health Organization (WHO), and other nations. 

<a class="glob_bu" style="color:white;text-decoration:none;font-size:18px;" href="/indoor/no-standards-contaminants-table">View No Standards Contaminants Table</a>

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